Last week the (nearly complete) roll out of Summer CPD was promoted via email to Heads and CPD Leads. In order to take on some 'special offers' and price reductions, there is more CPD packed into this term than previously available (and the term is longer!) I've committed more than 1 third of the annual budget for this term and hope that the remainder of the year contains no financial 'surprises'. I've also secured a grant and some courses 'for free' in order to stetch the investment that schools have made in the Association. For the first time there's something for Parents & Carers too, since my understanding is that the e-safety evenings tend to be poorly attended when held by individual schools. Hopefully there's anonymity in a central venue, and even if only a few attend from each school, together we could be a big crowd. I hope that schools continue to find something of use to their staff and communities, and wish everyone the best for the Summer Term.